Directions to the Bourne End Clinic

Find Below Directions using private and public transport. Our address is 12 Furlong Road, Bourne End, Bucks, SL8 5DG

Directions for patients using public transport

By train

Use the Elizabeth Line or any other train when coming from London or Reading. Stop in Maidenhead. Change to a train to Bourne End. Trains run weekdays every half hour. 25 trains a day. The clinic is 100 yeards from the train station.

By Taxi

Uber works in Maidenhead and Bourne End. Bourne End Taxis is an alternative. The number is 01628 201381

Directions for patients and drivers using private transport

Cookham Bridge Closure

Please be aware Cookham Bridge (arriving from Maidenhead) is closed until spring 2024. You will either have to come via the A404 (Coming from M4 West or M40 junction 4) or via Taplow and Clivedon (when coming from Slough, Heathrow, M4 London). Please ensure you are using up-to-date satellite navigation software like Google Maps etc.

Limited Parking at the clinic

The clinic has 4 car parking spaces. You can use all spaces including the disabled space UNLESS there is a cone on it. Staff is parking off-side to allow patients convenient access. If you need disabled access please let the clinic know so we can reserve the disabled car park for you.

In the unlikely event you cannot find a car parking space at the clinic, there are a large number of car parking spaces all within 5-10 minutes walking distance of the clinic. We also have a drop-off zone at the clinic your driver can use and then either park nearby or wait until a car park becomes available.

For comprehensive nearby parking advice click here